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I appreciate good dental hygiene and mustaches. I drink a lot of coffee.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Culture shock.

I've been in the United States since Tuesday. It's been really hard to adjust so far. I'm having what is called "culture shock." Here is a list of a few things that have been making me trip out.
11. Cold weather-- very very cold weather
10. I can use my cell phone again-- and text.
9. How awesome Starbucks is.
8. When placing an order at a restaurant or coffee shop.... what language do I order in?
7. Multicolored Autumn leaves.
6. Country Music--yuck.
5. Hunting season is coming?
4. Liquid laundry detergent
3. Cable television.
2. Pumping gas at the station.
1. Remind me again where I'm supposed to put the toilet paper? 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! When I came back I was in the Dallas airport and tried to order in Spanish... It was great haha.
