Rain Boots.
My friend Somer asked me this week to update my blog on what God's been doing in my life lately. I told her that was a good idea.... and then proceeded to blankly stare at my computer screen. Because I couldn't think of anything to write. I tried to dig really deep and think of something super profound.... something spiritual. Wise. Something worth writing about. You know what I came up with? Not much. The only thing I found was honesty--- because, in all honesty, I have no idea what God is doing in my life. Now I am not saying that God is not doing anything--- I just said I don't know what it is He is doing in my life--or why. I feel like I've been under a little rain cloud lately-- and not the fun, puddle jumping kind of rain cloud. It's been a cloud of sad, lonely, and ill-adjustment. Now I'm not asking for recruits for my pity-party... I just thought maybe I'd share what I'm struggling with. I share this because life is not perfect, it's hard-- and I've done a lot of overcoming and maybe by sharing our struggles we grow. I've been asking God a lot what am I doing here--this place/stage of life that I'm in-- and why? I have yet to find my niche, my joy, my peace. Somewhere, deep down, I bet God is stretching me and preparing me for something. But I have not found it easy. Maybe God is calling me to go find and don my rain boots and face my puddles and look forward to the metaphorical rainbows that lie ahead--while looking adorable and very stylish in my robot/alien wellies.
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