No one likes going to the dentist. At least when you go to the doctor, they give you a lollipop if you behave yourself. Not so at the dentist. Candy rots your teeth. If you behave yourself at the dentist, you get a toothbrush. Whooped-dee-doo. It occurred to me that if you want to go to the dentist, something must be wrong. I want to go to the dentist. You see the problem is that on Tuesday night I chipped my tooth. One of my front teeth. As I’m sure you can imagine, I’d love to get this fixed. Getting this fixed will cost about $44 , which is not very expensive compared to the United States however on account of I have no income whatsoever, a problem arises. The problem is I have a chipped tooth and not a lot of money. It occurred to me that a lot of things are like going to the dentist when you have a chipped tooth. Like paying bills. There is nothing good about a chipped tooth or paying bills. And yet in life, the dentist and bills are inevitable. Paying rent and bills without any income is a lot like going to the dentist to get a tooth fixed without any money… it just doesn’t happen. However this is how I see my life here in Costa Rica. I am only here by the grace of God and the generous donations of my supporters. And I have a lot to be thankful for. For example, on the property where I live there is now a washer and dryer. This is a huge blessing and an obvious convenience. And on top of that, the price per wash and dry was lowered from five dollars to three dollars. This is a super reasonable price compared to the cost of going to a laundry mat, which would cost about eight dollars per load. Also, an even bigger blessing is that the cost of my rent has been lowered. Originally we had been planning to pay $550 a month and very graciously our rent has been lowered to $425 a month. Praise God. That is a big difference. However with this good news comes some sad news. Sad news for me at least. My roommate Roberta has decided that God is calling her in another direction and she will be living about an hour away in San Jose. She left Wednesday morning at six o’clock. She will be working with the Youth with a Mission base there and helping staff the upcoming Children at Risk School. And although I am excited for this opportunity she has, I am sad that she is gone and will miss seeing my roommate and very close friend. Logistically speaking, this also means for my roommate Lisa and I our cost of rent has gone up. Per person our rent has gone up about thirty dollars, which would have otherwise been able to cover about the cost of a food for a week. I am no number cruncher. Numbers stress me out. So do things like figuring out cost and expenses. I hate to say (and am afraid to say) that I can feel myself growing up. It’s pretty scary. Per week, I spend about $30-40 on groceries. My rent contribution per month will be $212.50. The electricity bill will be around $60 a month. In my possession, I have your donations and a chipped tooth. I’m not sure how you fit into all of this. If you would like to pay to fix my tooth that would be wonderful and a huge blessing. But more importantly I need prayer. God is bigger than all of my numbers. Isn’t that wonderful? I sure think so. So I ask you, would you please keep me in your prayers? I sure do need them. Pray that I can see past all these numbers and bills. Pray that I remain encouraged. Pray that the money I need comes. Pray that I am frugal with what I have! Or whatever the Lord brings to heart to pray. Maybe after all my expenses won’t be like going to the dentist. Maybe, hopefully, it won’t be something I’ll have to worry about. Maybe, just maybe it will be something I can be joyful about because paying my bills means that I can stay in Jaco as long as God has me here.
If you’d like to pay for me to go to the dentist or help me out financially:
Donations can be send to:
YWAM San Diego/Baja
Liz Moss-CRS Tijuana
100 W 35th Street Suite C
National City, CA 91950
(checks must be made out to Liz Moss)
And send me an email, prayer, and/or encouragement at:
liz :)