Drum roll please....... It's Mission Statement time!! That's right folks. Now that I'm a missionary in a foreign country, apparently I need a mission statement. So let's take a crack at this bad boy. I'll conduct an interview with myself.
My personal Mission Statement: To remain joyful in spite of all circumstances. To follow God wholeheartedly wherever He leads, trusting in His perfect and infinite plan. To be His instrument in changing the world for the positive.
What ministry am I currently involved in? I'm glad I asked. I am a part of Youth With a Mission. It was founded in 1960 by a man named Loren Cunningham. He had a vision of using young people to evangelize and bring Jesus to every nation. According to Wikipedia, "YWAM currently has over 16,049 full-time volunteer workers in nearly 1,100 operating locations in 171 nations and trains 25,000 short-term missions volunteers annually." Their Mission Statement is, "To know God and make Him known." Pretty cool huh? I'm glad to be a part of it and I think it will be a great foundation for me no matter what kind of ministry I join. My goal is to be an active part in YWAM until God calls me to something else. I hope to work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Africa through Youth With a Mission.
Quote of the Week: The life of the planet, and especially its human life, is a life in which something has gone wrong, and badly wrong. every time that we see an unhappy face, an unhealthy body, hear a bitter despairing word we are reminded of that. The occasional flashes of pure beauty, pure goodness, pure love, which show us what God wants and what He is, only throw into more vivid relief the horror of cruelty, greed, oppression, hatred, ugliness, and also the mere muddle and stupidity which frustrate and bring suffering into life. Unless we put on blinders, we can hardly avoid seeing all of this; and unless we are warmly wrapped up in our own cozy ideas and absorbed in our own interests, we surely cannot help feeling the sense of obligation, the shame of acquiescence, the call to do something about it. To say day by day "Thy kingdom come"-- if these tremendous words really stand for a conviction and desire--does not mean "I quite honestly hope that someday the Kingdom of God will be established, and peace and goodwill prevail. But at present I don't see how it is to be managed or what I can do about it." On the contrary, it means, or should mean, "Here am I! Send me!"-- active, costly collaboration with the Spirit in whom we believe. -Evelyn Underhill
Goooo Liz Moss! Tu eres mi super heroe!!! Loving the blog posts :) so proud of you Liz!
ReplyDeletePerfect missions statement, Liz. Simply perfect. :D
ReplyDeletegee thanks friends :)