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Thursday, January 27, 2011

When I think of life, I think of the color Green.

Christina Taylor Green. Pleasant name isn't it? I can just picture any little nine year old girl with such an adorable name being sunshiney and lovely. Do you remember third grade? I do. Back in the days of story time and recess. It was wonderful. The most difficult aspect of life was working on your penmanship. Little third grader Christina Taylor Green died January 8th, 2011. She once said, "I hope you know all the words to the Star Spangled Banner and sing it with your hand over your heart. I hope you jump in rain puddles." How precious is that? It is so sad that we lost one of God's treasures to a violent public shooting. It is believed that her death was a casualty of an attempted assassination on Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. I recommend the article below to learn more about this tragic event.

Link to Christina's Story

Discussion Questions: What do you think could have been done to prevent Christina and the other victims' deaths? How important do you think it is that we provide more help for the mentally unwell? What emotions and thoughts do you think the Green family is experiencing right now? How does this story make you feel? What do you think should happen to the murderer? How do you think this makes God feel? What is the responsibility of the local church in Tuscon? Is there anything that the local school system could do? What kind of programs do you think they could implement to educate their students in what to do in violent situations in public places? Where do you think public safety failed? Is there anything we can do from our own homes? What measures or steps do you think we can take to ensure that violence of this kind does not occur again? 


  1. Well I feel like I should respond to that. Normally I am to lazy to do that, but I have an opinion and the point is to get a discussion going, am I right?
    So how does the family feel? Well I would would say terrible. Just think of your own life. Were you ever in love with somebody and that someone broke up with you?! Well I guess thats the kind of feeling the family must have, because in both situations you lose somebody who is very dear to you. The thing is, when somebody breaks up with you, you just get over it and try to forget. After a week or two the memories fade it gets easier, the problem is if it is your child that was killed, you don't want to forget, you want to keep the memories alive! Which makes that loss so much more painful and above all very long! It makes me so sad to read stories like that, because I can only imagine how the family suffers under that loss, and also for the perpetrators family! If somebody kills someone it is not just him who is affected, but his whole background. His family lives, most likely, in shame, not willing to talk to anybody because they are too afraid that somebody would judge them. Having to deal with accusations against their son/brother/friend/cousin being a 'monster'. And last but not least I feel for the perpetrator. I cannot even image what feeling he must have, how much he must have suffered to be able to do this. No normal person is able to do it just for fun. There is always a beginning of a story. How deep must his hatred have been against his own race, his own people. The grip that Satan has over him, heartbreaking!! My opinion is, that as believers, we should pray for both sides. Pray for comfort for the victims, but also pray for the wrongdoer and his family! We are called to love people, no matter what they do, how they look like, and what they do to us. 1. Cor. 13 "Love never fails"! Don't get me wrong, I think what that guy did was wrong, and he should be judged according to the law, and whatever the Judge decides should be the sentence, but we should never forget about what has driven him to do so.
    Well there is A LOT more to say, but my lazyness(and tiredness) comes through and I will finish here.

  2. Great thoughts! Thanks so much for sharing. I really liked that you not only mentioned the painful emotions that the Green family are experiencing but also the torment of the shooter's loved ones. And the fact that you mentioned 1 Corinthians 13. Perfect!
