Yesterday I graduated from Youth with a Mission's Children at Risk School. What a mouthful. We had our graduation in the morning after breakfast and then went to our last class. Isn't that kind of funny? I suggested that we take the diplomas and run. But off to class we went and finished up our week about Human Trafficking with Ro Potter. I'm still not done processing it. But that is a blog entry for another day. After class and lunch, a few of my friends and I went to the beach for an adventure! Although I've been in Mexico for the last three months, yesterday was the first real beach day. Or at least the first real beach day that I didn't have to be in class. My friends Bex, from New Zealand, and Lisa, from Canada, and I went swimming. And the water was super cold. I remembered what swimming in the summer was like in Petoskey. It took me forever to get in the water until a wave knocked me down. Now, mind you, I like swimming, but swimming in Lake Michigan is completely different from swimming in the ocean. Lake Michigan is very placid. The Pacific Ocean is not. But it is so much fun!! So when I say that we went swimming... it looked something like this.....
My friend Lisa and I getting pummeled by a wave. |
Bex and I between waves. |
After some wonderful time in the sun, everyone got all dolled up and we went out to dinner for one last hoorah. We had an amazing dinner and then headed back to the base to eat more food and play games. We had a really fun time but at the end of the night I had to say goodbye to a lot of my friends. I met so many beautiful people and it was really hard watching them go. I still think that I'll see them on Monday morning, bright and early in our class room. I have been so blessed by all of them and have so many fond memories from this school. And I know that wherever they are headed, that they are going to do the work of God. Who could ask for better friends?
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