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I appreciate good dental hygiene and mustaches. I drink a lot of coffee.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kaspar the Robot.

There are a couple things in this world that I love unconditionally. Dinosaurs, the color purple, and robots. So, the idea of a robot that helps Autistic children develop, sounds pretty rad to me. Especially a robot named Kaspar with a Bristish accent. Because Austistic children have such a difficult time relating and expressing themselves, University of Hertfordshire has develpoed a robot playmate to teach Autistic children how to express themselves. I personally think that's fantastic and super interesting. Check it out and read the article below!

Kaspar the Robot.

Discussion Questions: What do you think about this type of therapy? How do you see it being beneficial? Why do you think the children have such an easy time relating to a robot? What do you think about a child spending so much time with a robot? Why do you think two children at the special preschool refuse to play with Kaspar? What do you think about these children being placed in a special school for Autistic children? Do you think when they leave they will be able to relate well to people without Autism? Would a normal preschool be more apporopriate? What do you think is best for the child in this unique situation? Where do you see this technology going in the future? How do you feel about implementing this theraputic tool in the home? How long do you believe it would take for this therapy to be effected? What other methods can you think of using when working with Autistic children?

Eden and Kaspar playing.

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