Isn't that a great line from a great song (How He Loves Us - John Mark Mcmillan.) This week was Inner Healing with Christy Scott. Inner Healing is good. I think sometimes we all feel hopelessly broken and sometimes we don't even know why. This week Christy helped us get to the bottom of that. She said all lies and hurts are ingrained in us from ages 0-6. Now you may say to yourself, "Oh but I remember that so and so did such and such at age 15. That's when I got hurt. That's what ruined my life." For example, say your parents got divorced at age 14. You blamed yourself. You got down on yourself and became deppressed. And now you say THAT is when you were first hurt and that is the pain that you still feel inside today. However, why at 14 did you believe that your parent's divorce was YOUR fault? At what point did you begin to believe the lie that you were to blame? Probably between ages 0-6. Perhaps sometime when you were very young you were introduced to the idea that you were at fault, and you were not good enough, and you were to blame. And at sometime during your young years that lie was ingrained into your brain to stick with you whether you knew it or not. To haunt you until age 14 when your parents got divorced. To surface again to tell you that you were to blame. This is just a hypothetical example. Something to chew on. This principle helped me and maybe it will help you to. You just have to apply it to your own life and try to dig up the lies that you believed from 0-6 and replace it with truth. Christy also talked about soul ties. When I graduated, I walked off stage with my good friend Sarah Libby. Have you ever seen when people do that goofy thing when they pretend to go fishing and reel someone in? That's how we walked off our graduation stage. I pretended to cast a line and reel her in and she pretended to be hooked and pulled in just like a fish. This is kind of like soul ties. We get hooked to people. There's a tie that connects our soul to the influencial people around us. This is not always a bad thing. But often times it is. Because we let that fishing wire in our hearts act like a cable. We let things flow through these hooks in our souls. Most of the time the negative gets through and we become hurt and bitter. You know what I'm talking about? We have soul ties to that first girl in middle school who told us that we are ugly. That person who told us we were good for nothing. To that first person who broke our heart. Now you know what I mean. We feel loss and hurt. And as long as we have those soul ties we will continue to feel that rejection. What about the feeling of loss? A break up, moving away, or death? Can we still really learn from any situation, like my speaker Philipa said in week four? Even a painful one? Christy said that we may lose a person or a place-- but what we felt from that experience is not lost-- because those good times and feelings are things that came from God. That joy that you once experienced is a principle of God. So with this in mind can we learn from these painful experience and grow? Can we forgive? Often times I find myself forgiving others. I forgive them but I continue to feel pain and hurt. Why is that? Soul ties. We did an Inner Healing week during DTS. I forgave but my hurt did not subside. I did not cut my soul ties. So how do we go about that? First forgive. Duh. You cannot find healing without forgiving. Secondly you need to get to the root. The lie. The lie that you believed during ages 0-6. That lie that let you get hurt. The lie that told you that you were to blame (see example above.) Ask Jesus to show you when you were first believed that lie and to show you how it changed your life. I would recommend writing down the name of the person or event that you have sould tie to. Ask Jesus to show you the lie that they represent. Ask Him to reveal to you the truth about that situation. And be freed. For example, Hurt: my parents divorce at age 14, Represents: I am to blame, It's my fault, Truth: I am not the cause of this, Jesus finds me sufficient and I am not at fault. Does this make sense? It will when you apply it to your life. Remembering that you are not cutting off the person. You are not cutting them out of your life or condemning them. You are merely cutting lies out of your life and choosing to believe truth instead, I would recommend doing it. Brings peace. And healing. Yay. We talked about so much more. It was a really good week. God is awesome. So is YWAM. I am blessed.
Quote of the week: But You say let it go, You say let it go You say life is waiting for the one's who lose control You say you will be, everything I need You said if I lose my life it's then I'll find my soul You say let it go. - Let it go by Tenth Avenue North
*You can listen to the whole song*
P.S. Note on outreach.
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Wonderful stuff, very in depth. Food for the soul.