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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


A mother's love. Pure and unconditional. Right? One of the few good things left in the world. Unfortunately it seems that ignorance and lies can even corrupt how a mother interacts with her child. A man in Detroit apparently manipulated and deceived seven single mothers into molesting their own children. The following article gives more details on how he conned these women into distorting their interactions with their very own children. 

Man cons mothers into sexually abusing their children.

Discussion Questions: What was your first reaction when reading this article? Did you feel angry? At whom were you angry? Why? What made you sicker, his manipulation or the actions of the mothers? Why? Do you think Demink would have been able to deceive a married couple in the same manner? Why or why not? How do you think that the internet played a role? Why do you think these women were so trusting of a complete stranger? What do you think of the mothers? Do you think they were mentally sound? How do you think the relationship between the single mothers and their parents contributed to this disaster? Do you think that the women had been searching for advice on how to raise their children from legitimate sources? What do you think would have happened if they had received help and guidance? Who could have helped them during this time of confusion? What do you think of Steven Demink? How does God think of him? Does God still love him? Does God love Demink as much as He loves the children that were exploited? Why do you think Steven Demink did this? How did he become so perverted? Do you think he might have been sexually abused as well? What do you think will happen to the children? What do you think would be best for them?

1 comment:

  1. Quite and article, great questions.What was your first reaction when reading this article?--beyond belief.At whom were you angry?--both demink and moms,
